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First, I want to reiterate that I used honest, raw rolls to generate this character, whom I have nicknamed Cherub for now. Seraphic or Phim, later. Even when it wasn’t necessary, I rolled anyway, because I love the chaos of randomness (The increased hand size was that trait). One of the definitions of a Theory is that it is breakable, and that is what Play-testing is all about. My Mutant Alpha (Digger) worked out well, so I was hoping that my Mutant Beta would break it, but I might have instead created a Mutant that created an Ideal self. My dice were BLESSED that night.
I rolled 2d10 = 15 Mutations. HEAD got 4, BODY got 7, and Limbs (Arms and Hands) got 3 with the holy grail of EXTRA Wings – Flying! I also rolled a 1d10 number of Complimentary Mutations for 8.
## Roll Section Roll Trait
1) 3 Brain 15 Precision - +/- 168% (round to 170%)
2) 7 ears 6 Ears Size +/- (128%)
3) 9 mouth 15 Teeth metallic
4) 9 mouth 23 Vocal pitch flex +/- (163%)
5) 10 body 9 Fat cell accumulation +/- (62%)
6) 10 body 9 Fat cell accumulation +/- (-17%)
(+45% total)
7) 11 systemic 25 Neotony – permanent 70%
8) 11 systemic 17 Hibernation
9) 11 systemic 31 Regeneration +/- (157%)
10) 12 skin 94 Leathery (32%) striped
11) 12 skin 21 Glowing (79%) fractal
(11% overlap)
12) 14 arms 12 Size – overall +/- (149%)
13) 15 hands 25 Hands – Choose: Size (112%)
14 15 hands 11 Extra Hands – fused (8%)
15 18 extra 20 Wings – Fly – Zoo – Bluebird
HEAD Mutations
First focusing on the HEAD, we begin with the cognitive ability of Increased Precision (+70%). This may translate as an increased chance to hit with ranged weapons, increased success with called shots, or an increase in a skill such as metal etching if a silversmith. Later Mutations may also be affected, when used as a Complimentary or Enhanced Mutation, described later.
The Ears of Cherub are larger (+30%). By itself, it conveys no bonuses (less than 50% or 33%), but as a Complimentary Trait, it may enhance others. The Mouth gets two kewl Traits – metallic teeth, much like a beaver, that colors the teeth Rust, and gives a bite attack, the ability to bore wood-like densities (or roll on a Hardness table to find how strong the teeth are).
And my favorite Trait is Increased (+70%) Vocal Pitch flexibility. Cherub can more easily and quickly jump from one note to another of different octaves (but does not expand the number of octaves one can sing), or may convey the bonus of the speed from 1/8th notes to 1/32nd notes. (I’m reminded of the Diva in Fifth Element). The Brain - Precision Trait Enhances this, so Cherub has Perfect Pitch. He also has a permanently pre-pubescent voice. One may know of the Castrati, young men gelded to preserve their child-like singing voices. This was made popular by Anne Rice’s novel Cry To Heaven and applicable to Cherub (and his perpetual youth is reminiscent of Claudia in Interview with the Vampire, also by Rice). The Complimentary Trait of larger Ears gives Cherub the ability to pick out fellow vocalists. We have a Coloratura!
BODY Mutations (Interior)
Moving onto the BODY Mutations, we begin with the Systemic and hidden Traits as a group: Permanent Neotony (70%), Hibernation (99% control), Regeneration (+60%), and two Fat Accumulation rolls (+62, -17%) which I am keeping separate instead of summing as (+45%) for reasons found below. An angelic Cherub, pudgy with baby fat, sleeping on a pillow of clouds is an iconic image. Cherub’s phenotype expression epitomizes it!
[Note: I’m changing Fat Cell Accumulation to Nutrient Accumulation in the next version]
If the average age of a child hitting puberty and becoming a mature adult is currently 12. and Cherub is stuck at 70%, then Cherub is stuck at the physical age of 8.4 years. Let’s adjust that to the age of 9 for simplicity’s sake. Cherub is the last of his kind, since he is prepubescent forever, unless one uses the super-sciences of cloning or gene-engineering to alter this outcome. Relatives of Cherub may NOT have this Mutation, depending on the stability of this trait from the parents’ generation. Instant story- hooks!!
[Future editions will have a trait stability rating]
Let’s see how the others work together.
Cherub can Hibernate, with 99% control of when and how he does. There’s still that 1% chance that when he can’t, a Narcoleptic trigger occurs! Work with the GM to describe when a Narcoleptic Hibernation check is needed (for example, heavy damage that Regeneration can’t overcome). Prior to Hibernating, Cherub has the ability to accumulate body fat and other nutrients at a higher rate (+70%), but when not in a prep state, he burns it 20% faster. Overall energy levels decrease during this prep time, making Cherub lose initiative, speed and other generally sluggish side effects (except eating!).
Cherub naturally Regenerates, but I’m voluntarily using Complimentary Mutations to limit this ability with conditions. When Hibernating, Cherub Regenerates at the full +60% rate. When awake, because of the -20% Nutrient collection Trait, his ability to Regenerate is limited to +40%. If prepping for Hibernation, how does these affect Regeneration? Good question, but let’s table that question for now.
[This illustrates how Complimentary Mutations can work in other ways rather than making a Trait bigger, better, faster or generally just more-er or less-er. The phrase “Survival of the Fittest” is frequently misapplied in this way (+/-er), when it is a more appropriate description of how well a creature “fits” into its ecological niche. The more specialized, the more successful, but also the more vulnerable to disruption of one’s niche, including removal to another (an amphibian not adapted for the desert for example).]
BODY Mutations (Exterior)
Moving onto the exterior visible BODY mutations, we have a wonderful synergy of Traits. Leathery Stripes (32%) and Glowing Fractals (79%) were both rolled, for a total of 111%, meaning 11% of these two traits overlap. I already have an idea on where and how they do.
So we have
• 21% Leathery Strip(e)s only
• 68% Glowing Fractals only
• 11% both Leathery Strip(e)s and Glowing Fractals
[The Skin is the largest organ of the human body (XXX square feet). What percentage of your skin is found on one’s arms, or skull, for example, is valuable to know. In future editions we will provide an illustrated chart of the standard humanoid shape, with the % coverage for each Section. Mutations that increase area will be described as well (such as Wings or Crests).]
Rather then having alternating Leathery stripes (32%) like a zebra or tiger, I’m going to interpret stripes as strips, and place some of them in randomly generated Sections. One area where I am definitely adding Glowing Leather strips is on the leading edge of his Wings, and the tips of last row of trailing flight feathers of each wing, perhaps heightening the strength, resistance to damage, and maneuverability in flight. Randomly, I rolled two Sections as Eyes and HEAD. I’m reminded of WWI pilot helmets. In this case, combining the two textures and overlap, Cherub has a skull cap of alternating stripes of Leathery strips and Glowing Leathery strips from brow to nape. Let’s make the eyelids Leathery and Glowing up to the brow stripe. The leading and trailing edges of the Wings will also be Leathery and glow. That should cover the 11% overlap (it may exceed it actually) If there is any more to be used, let’s continue the Glowing Leathery strip down the back from the nape and between the Wings.
The Glowing Fractal pattern covers 80% of the BODY. While not strictly the same, Nightcrawler’s ritualistic scarring in X-Men 2 is reminiscent of this gene expression. If we subtract the 11% overlap from the 79% total, then we have 68% of the body decorated with a filigree of Glowing fractals without the Leathery Texture. When the % coverage is that high (2/3 total surface area), it’s easier to describe where the pattern isn’t, rather than where it is. Where we apply the pattern will be saved for a later date when we have the visual chart of coverage completed. As a Complimentary or Enhanced Trait, let’s add Control (which we rolled as 39, or 40% of the Glow). Cherub can reduce full light by 40%, or 20% dimming and brightening from the mean.
I’m going to apply the 30% Leathery Striped Texture mostly to the Wings. Based on images I’ve found of Bluebirds, there seems to be a maximum of 3 rows of feathers. Pictures of Bluebirds in flight are quite simply, angelic. But I’m making the feathers Leathery, and fused as strips the length for the middle row of the Wing. (This make it look like house siding.) As I wrote before, I’m also using some of the 11% overlapping Leathery Glowing Traits to the leading edge, and trailing tips of of the last row of Feathers, effectively outlining them fore and aft.
Let’s use another Enhanced Trait on the Wings. How strong are they? By themselves, full flight wings are strong enough to support the full body weight of the character. But if we apply Increase/Decrease, we have a 50/50 shot at increasing that strength (odd numbers result in a decrease, even rolls increase.). Our result? 66% (an even result, so an increase, and doubles!). So Cherub can fly at full speed while carrying an extra 70% weight. This is especially good since Cherub is stuck at 9 years old in size and strength. Combined with extra large and strong arms (below), Cherub can lift and fly with the weight of a fully grown human.
[Double 6s on the Doubles chart is “relocated mutation” and the new Section is Nose, but don’t see any Traits I’d like to move. Doubles are optional, so I’m going to ignore it.]
Cherub’s Arms are half again as large (+50%), in length and diameter – quite muscular for a 9 year old. This increases bonuses involving STR when involving arms
The Fused Extra Hands requires some explanation. From the wrists, each pair of hands face each other as if in prayer, joined up at the base of the palms by 7% of the length. His hands are 15% larger again, making all four hands 165% their normal size since his arms were already 150%.
This gives Cherub a whole host of Synergies. Cherub can wield two-handed weapons in one pair of hands, and if Two-Weapon fighting is later chosen, Cherub could do some serious damage! He has a nearly infallible vise-like grip, and can use extra strong bows for extra damage with ranged weapons. Super Cupid, Super Cupid, love is gonna find thee!!
If Cherub later takes the skill Performance/Musical Instrument, and chooses a stringed instrument, such as a very large harp, lute or double necked guitar with 20 very large fingers, he could be an instrumentalist of the highest caliber. Combined with his Precision bonus, Vocal Dynamism and prepubescent Perfect Pitch, Cherub is tailored-made to be an angelic singer and musical performer. If Character Classes are used in your game, Cherub is a natural Harper or Bard.
Further Notes:
As I mentioned in the paragraphs about Zoologically inspired Traits, they’re meant to imitate, not duplicate, the rolled Animal trait. So do we go as far as making the Wings the vibrant Azure colorization of bluebird Wings? In this case, I’d say no, as we have two other aesthetic Traits applied to the Wings as it is. So we will imitate the shape and structure and proportions of the Bluebird wing, but not the aesthetiection Trait Description
1 Defect
2 HEAD Leathery skull cap, with Glowing Stripes
3 Brain Precision +70%
4 Senses <>
5 Eyes Leathery and Glowing eyelids and brow ridge
6 Ears Size (+30%)
7 Nose <>
8 Mouth Teeth – metallic (iron, Rust colored)
Vocal pitch flexibility (+65%)
9 BODY Fat Cell accumulation (+62%) and (-17%) = Net +45%
10 Systemic Hibernation (99% control)
Regeneration (+57%)
11 Internal Neotony – permanent (70%)
12 Skin Leathery, striped (32%)
Glowing, Fractal 79% (39% control)
(11% Texture overlap)
13 Arms Size – Overall (+50%)
14 Hands Size (+15%), extra hands, fused (10% from wrist)
15 Legs <>
16 Feet <>
17 EXTRA Wings – Flying – Zoo – Bluebird (possibly blue in color)
18 Zoologica <>
19 Monstrous <>
20 Choice (increased hand size above)
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