Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Post-Apocalyptic RPG Systems

 Post-Apocalyptic RPG Systems

  • There are over 1000 Post-Apocalyptic games out there, and comparing them can be difficult. 
  • This document is an attempt at distilling the traits found in PA settings and game systems that can be measured (to whatever extent) and compared.
  • Every attempt has been made to distill these differences into traits as opposed to dichotomies.
  • In the latter, dichotomies, differences are shown by comparing two poles to one another, such as Gritty vs. Gonzo, or Hard Science vs. Science Fantasy.  Dichotomy comparisons are popular and difficult to resist, but require at least two kinds of systems to compare and two extreme poles.
  • Traits, on the other hand, can be measured independently, and allow for a system to be *both* Gritty and Gonzo.
  • The Outline was developed organically, so there's been some cross-pollination between what would be found under Setting/Genre and what would be found under System/Mechanics. Later revisions will segregate those better.

Notes on Notations

Terms in brackets [. . . .] refer to how the trait is quantified or qualified.

[#] simple numerical entry/count of data (such as # of modules published) 

[LIST] a finite list of pre-populated options with only one choice 

[MULTILIST] a finite list of pre-populated options allowing multiple choices 

[SCALE] a numerical representation from 0-10 of “how much” of a given system trait is present in the game. 

A “0” means there is no example of such trait, and “10” means that such trait is a core concept/mechanic/theme of the game. Definitions of the gradients (the 1-9 scores) would be necessary in most cases. A score of 10 should be rare, if not singular, and reserved as a marker that the game contains the epitome of such a trait. 

[subtype] a potential lower level entry [LIST] or [MULTILIST], but not articulated here,

In the cases of LIST and MULTILIST, listing the pre-populated values has been attempted in the following level.

Some more terms and initialisms:

BA - before apocalypse.  Also known as Ancient Times.

PA - post apocalypse.  Likely the current time.

Ancients/Ancient Times - that which existed BA.

Old Ones - those who existed 

  • at the time of the Apocalypse, 
  • or within two generations or so of said moment.

This outline can be imported to a spreadsheet with the following outline as the vertical axis,

and the various gaming systems as the horizontal axis.

  1. Gaming system

    1. Systems [LIST]

      1. OSR

      2. D20/3.0/3.5

      3. 5e

      4. GWv1

      5. GWv2

      6. GWv3

      7. agnostic

      8. unique

      9. Etc.

      10. Alternity

      11. Mutant Future

      12. Mutant Crawl Classic

      13. Gamma X

    2. Year of Publication [YEAR]

    3. Systems Publisher Supporting Documents [#]

      1. Rules expansions

      2. Modules

      3. Errata

    4. 3PP publications [#]

      1. Official/endorsed

      2. Open Licensed (version)

    5. Overall crunch (numbers and dice rolling for tasks) [SCALE]

    6. Overall story and role-playing [SCALE]

    7. Experience level progression [LIST]

      1. Level-based

      2. Point-based

      3. Social-based

      4. Power-based

    8. Combat resolution type [LIST]

      1. Combat maneuvers

      2. Offense vs. Defense, no rolls

      3. Offense vs. Defense; rolls

      4. THAC0

      5. Wounds affected

      6. ACT Table

      7. etc.

  2. Setting

    1. Time

      1. Future History Pre-Apocalypse (years into future BA) [YEARS]

      2. Year of the Apocalypse [YEAR] (if known, 0 if unknown)

      3. Years Post-Apocalypse [LIST]

        1. Unknown

        2. Immediate

        3. Decades/Generations

        4. Centuries

      4. Years Post-Apocalypse [YEARS]

      5. Apocalypse source / type [MULTILIST]

        1. AI/singularity 

        2. alien invasion

        3. astronomical

        4. biogenetic

        5. cultural decadence/breakdown of civic institutions

        6. disease

        7. magic

        8. multiversal

        9. nanites/grey goo

        10. natural/climatic

        11. nuclear (war)

        12. war (non-nuclear)

        13. unknown

        14. zombie

        15. other

    2. Radiation resolution

      1. Necrotic only

      2. Mutates (new mutation)

      3. Both

    3. Technology

      1. Tech levels (including future tech, super-science, SCIENCE! and near-magical) [LIST]

      2. Tech levels (availability P-A) [SCALE]

      3. Scientific realism (Hard Science) [SCALE]

      4. Natural resources abundance (vegetation/potable water/electricity/etc.) [SCALE]

      5. Non-renewable resources abundance (coal/oil/etc) [SCALE]

      6. Magic abundance [SCALE]

      7. Artifact analysis/charts [LIST]

        1. Chutes-n-ladders [LIST]

        2. Skill check (stepped)

        3. Skill check (non-stepped)

        4. Item maintenance

        5. Power Source abundance/reliability/etc.

      8. Vehicles (combat)

      9. Power armor (combat)

    4. Universe

      1. Number of planetoids in milieu (including Luna) [#]

      2. Extrasolar [# (including 0)]

      3. Travel Tech [LIST] (related to tech level generally)

        1. FTL

        2. Slowship

        3. Gravity surfing

        4. Solar Sailing

        5. Ion Drive

        6. Etc.

    5. Character creation method [MULTILIST]

      1. Randomized [SCALE]

      2. Constructed [SCALE]

    6. Sentient GenoTypes [MULTILIST] [0 rating means unavailable for PCs, but yes to NPCs]

      1. AI/robots/androids [subtypes]

      2. Alien [subtypes]

      3. Animals [subtypes]

      4. Mineral [subtypes]

      5. Plants [subtypes]

      6. Pure Strain Humans [subtypes]

      7. Insectoid [subtypes]

      8. Mutated Humans [subtypes]

      9. Mutated Humans Species (breed true) [subtypes]

      10. Hybrids/Chimeras of any-of-the-above [subtypes]

  3. Mutations 

    1. (yes/no)

    2. Randomized

    3. Constructed

    4. Origin of mutations (frequently the same as the P-A cause)

      1. genengineered

      2. nanites

      3. radiation

      4. Natural (viral/fungal)

      5. Biomimetic (imitates natural traits with tech/bionic/cyborgian)

      6. etc

    5. Type of Mutations

      1. Mundane (traits found in nature)

      2. Psionic 

      3. Super-science

      4. Science!

      5. Cross-Species

      6. Cross-GenoType

      7. Super-powers (comic book)

      8. etc

    6. Variety of Mutations

      1. # per character at creation (“+” indicates additional mutations allowed)

      2. # of possible mutations (split btw mental/physical?)

    7. Mutation scores (type)

      • In place of Attribute scores
      • In addition to Attribute scores
  1. Game mechanics

    1. Class/trade based

    2. Skill advancement based

    3. Skill check (non-stepped/flat)

    4. Skill check (stepped/tree)

    5. Skill check (effort)

  2. Sociological Traits

    1. Sociological stratification degree [SCALE]

    2. Survivalist level [SCALE]

  3. Community orientation/building (community stats towards top)

    1. (Cryptic) Alliances and Cults

    2. Community stats

    3. Reputation scores PCs vs. NPCs

  4. Monsters

    1. Origin (see also mutations/P-A causes) [LIST]

    2. Monster Level-Mutations (unavailable to PCs)

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