Thursday, July 21, 2022

Mutant Alpha: Digger

So I decided to eat my own dogfoodand generate my own mutant with the Mutant Maker.  This entry is the narration of that process.

So I began by rolling 2d10 and getting the results 3 and 5 for a total of 8.

I decide to roll all 8 initial Sections, and then generate the individual Traits afterward.

I can use either 1d20 or 2d10 to generate the Section rolls.  My bias is for generating results in the middle and not the extremes so I'm going with 2d10.

My results are 
10  BODY
14 Arms
9 Mouth
8 Nose
16 Legs
8 Nose again!
13 Internal
19 Zoologica!

Because I rolled Zoologica on my last roll, I still need to find out which Section to spply it.  So I roll again and get
15 Hands.

Let's rearrange our list from top to bottom.

Nose (x2)
Hands - Zoo

I love the distribution of the Sections - 3 HEAD/Facial Traits, and 4 BODY Mutations, and one probably invisible with Internal.  Since I have both Arms and Hands (and Zoologica no less), the upper Body has some interesting possibilities.

So let's start Making a Mutant with Traits.  The results are below.

Nose (x2)
4.  Nose size - imperceptable
5.  Nose size - overall                         Increase/Decrease - 175%

17. Teeth - Regenerating 

15. Moisture reservoir 

21 Glands -Odor - Foul or Fair - 

10. Length - Upper Arms - Increase/Decrease - 125%

Hands - Zoo - Mammal - Mole

10. Length - Upper Legs - Increase/Decrease - 75%

 Wow, I am really loving what I've created.  And these are genuine rolls.  I have a weird contradiction on Nose Traits (and I noticed I missed Trunk and Prehensile Nostrils as entries on my Nose table - fixed).

HEAD - normal
Senses - Normal
Face - Normal
Eyes - Normal
Ears - Normal
Nose - 175% size, imperceptable nostrils
Mouth - replacement teeth

BODY - Water reserve (Chest)
Skin - Normal
Systemic - normal
Internal - Glands - odor - musk
Arms - Upper - Length 125%
Hands - Mole (extra thumb - wrist bone), digging claws
Legs - Upper Length - 75
Feet -normal 
Extra - none

Starting at the top, the only significant difference is a very large (175%) nose with pinpoints for nostrils.  His teeth constantly replace, like a shark's, good for eating shelled creatures, and replacing teeth lost on the rockier terrains.  Given the rest of the mutations, I'm seeing an interesting trend.

Bodily, Extra long biceps are paired with extra short thighs.  Essentially, this balances out nearly perfetly.  His arms end up meeting at his feet, giving him a sort of Orangutan appearance.  The mole hands that I generated on zoologica were interesting, but I thought, what's so special about Mole Hands?  Boy, was I surprised!  

Moles have an extra "thumb" next to their regular thumbs, that is actually an extended wrist bone, non-jointed,  giving them both extra strength and extra spade-like area for digging.  Additionally, the claws on each finger is nearly as long as its fingers.  This guy is a digger!

Otherwise, he has an internal moisture reserve, much like a camel hump.  I chose to put it somewhere different than just his back, and decided on distributing it around his torso.  This gives him a missle-shaped, almost dolphin shaped torso when fully stocked with moisture, a large torso that is "Sandro"Dynamic that increases and decreases in diameter with storage capacity.  He also has glands that secrete a musky odor, probably to generate mating and territorial scents.  I decided to pair this Trait with his digging mole claw, where this musk secretes into the sand he displaces, to be eventually be dispered on the winds to attract mates and mark territory.

So he is a digger with extra long arms, and stout legs, with a water laden torso, a large nose with nostrils that won't easily clog with dirt and sand. I see a desert digger that easily burrows in the sand with his long arms and adapted hands, exuding a musk that soaks the churned sand and rocks, which eventually disperses on the wind, letting others know of his presence for mating or deterrance over territory.  I love this guy!

p.s.  it wasn't until after I generated him that I read the entry for the Land Shark for the first time in decades.  I was struck by the parallel evolution, down to setting up a potential reinacted rivalry between between Land Sharks and Dolphin Diggers armed with spears, as is seen in nature today.

In future editions, with the more psionic wahoo Powers added (like Life Leech, and Force Fields), I'll hopefully be able to enhance him further 

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